Limanowa Experiment, also called Limanowa Trial, was conducted on primary school students from second to eight classes in Limanowa area in 1974 – 1978. The undertaking was held under the auspices of Academy of Physical education in Cracow.Academy of Physical education in Cracow.
Limanowa Trial turned out to be a golden opportunity to find new talents. The most gifted people come from SP in Niedźwiedź, namely Michalina Maciaszek, Halina Górniak and Władyslawa Zapała. They were later participants in World Championship and other different competitions. Arguably, it was just the beginning of great success. At the end of 70s and the beginning of 80s of last century, there were many comments on Ski school in Limanowa. Political and economy changes in Poland in 1990 caused the problems in clubs with skiing sections. Some of the contenders including Halina Mikoajcyzk and Krystyna Liberda switched to biathlon. Skiing still attracts many sympathizers. Interestingly enough, the young do not train in cities such as Limanowa or Mszana Dolna. They rather choose small resorts for instance Mszana Górna. Notably they manage to achive great success. What is more, they are regarded as ones of the lest national competitors.
Full tekst: L. Rak, E. Małolepszy, Narciarstwo Polskie 1888-2008, Jasło 2009.
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